Take the holiday stress survey

The holidays can’t help but add a little stress to life, but how do you know when your stress level has gotten too high?
Our friends at Avera have put together a checklist to help you recognize some conditions that determine your stress level.
Here’s how this works. Assign a number from zero to five to each of the statements below as they relate to your experience:
0 = Never
3 = Sometimes
5 = Almost always
Stress Checklist
- I have a lot of worries at home, at work or both.
- I have too much responsibility.
- My family makes too many demands on me.
- My work situation is unclear; there are too many people to satisfy.
- I do not have enough time for leisure or taking care of personal needs.
- There is a great deal of time pressure at work.
- I have difficulty expressing how I feel about situations or people.
- I have trouble focusing on a given task.
- I have difficulty communicating with my spouse, children, family, boss or co-workers.
- I handle most things alone with little support from my family, friends or co-workers.
- I do not have enough say in decisions that affect me.
- My personal needs are in conflict with my work or family.
- I am short of cash or have other personal/business financial concerns.
- My life is one crisis after another.
- I regularly have headaches (two to five times per week).
- I have muscle tension in my shoulder, neck or back.
- I have stomach pains, indigestion or other digestive problems.
- I regularly take aspirin, indigestion medication, sleeping pills or tranquilizers.
- I have a tendency to overeat — especially sweets.
- I regularly have to drink to relax.
- I drink a great deal of coffee or other caffeinated beverages.
- Family, friends or people at work tell me I drink too much.
- Most of my time is spent sitting — I get little exercise.
- I would like to make changes in my life, but don’t know how to start.
Add up your numbers and use the total to determine where your stress level stands, using this chart.
Overall Score = Your Stress Level
34 or under = Good — Congratulations! Your stress level is low.
35-65 = Average — Lowering your stress level would be beneficial.
66-85 = Bad — Think seriously about changes in your life to reduce stress.
86 or above = Dangerous — Act now! You need to reduce stress!
If you scored in the “bad” or “dangerous” categories, Avera has valuable information for you here.
Don’t let the holidays hurt your health! And don't forget you can always visit Avera’s clinic at Dawley Farms for convenient care.